
Remote sensing

Proxima offers satellite imagery from wide range of the satellites both optical and radar.
Remote sensing includes studies of the atmosphere and the earth's surface; recently, subsurface remote sensing methods have also developed. The main advantages of remote sensing are the high speed of collecting data on large large areas of the earth's surface, as well as the ability to get information about objects that are practically inaccessible for research in other ways.
Objects and applications of remote sensing
The main objects of remote sensing are:
  • weather and climate (precipitation, clouds, wind, turbulence, radiation);
  • elements of the environment (aerosols, gases, electricity of the atmosphere, transfer, i.e. redistribution of a particular substance in the atmosphere);
  • oceans and seas (sea waves, currents, amount of water, ice);
  • ground surface (vegetation, geological exploration, resource studies, altitude).
The information obtained by means of remote sensing is in demand for many branches of science, technology and economics. The number of potential consumers of this information is constantly growing.
In addition, such areas are important in which aircraft are used as carriers of remote sensing equipment:
  • hydrology, including water resource assessment and management, forecasting snow melt, flood warnings;
  • agrarian areas (forecast and weather management, control of the type, distribution and condition of vegetation cover, construction of maps of soil types, determination of moisture content, prevention of hail damage, crop forecast);
  • ecology (control of pollution of the atmosphere and the earth's surface);
  • oceanography (for example, measurement of sea surface temperature, research of ocean currents and sea wave spectra)
  • glaciology (for example, mapping the spread and movement of ice sheets and sea ice, determining the possibility of maritime navigation in ice conditions);
  • geology, geomorphology and geodesy (for example, identification of the type of rocks, localization of geological defects and anomalies, measurement of Earth parameters and observation of tectonic movement)